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sickle cell research Tag

Caring for the Caregiver November is National Caregiver Appreciation Month!  When discussing topics surrounding chronic health conditions and the associated symptoms, it is easy to overlook a very important part of the discussion: the effect on the caregiver.  Chronic conditions like Sickle Cell Disease do not only affect the patient; they affect the parents, grandparents,...

Silent strokes: What’s the Real Issue? Sickle Cell Disease causes a myriad of symptoms.  From pain crises to organ damage, the effects of this disease are debilitating, and when untreated, they can be potentially deadly.  Perhaps one of the most troubling effects is the prevalence of what are known as silent strokes.  There are many proposed...

Is Gene Therapy Really for All? History of Sickle Cell Disease Treatment Historically, Sickle Cell Disease has been treated primarily with blood transfusions and medications such as Hydroxyurea.  However, neither of these methods can cure the disease.  Blood transfusions can help for a short while, but in order to maintain the benefits, they must be performed regularly,...